Pile Integrity Test

A pile integrity test (PIT) is a non-destructive method that evaluates the condition of a pile or shaft. It can also be used to estimate the length of a pile. 

How it works 

  1. A hammer strikes the pile head.
  2. A transducer, like an accelerometer, records the pile’s response.
  3. The transducer detects a compressive stress wave that travels through the pile.
  4. The wave reflects off the pile toe or other anomalies.
  5. The reflected signal is analyzed to determine the pile’s integrity.

What it can detect Major cracks, Necking, Soil inclusions or voids, and Pile length. 

When it’s used On concrete or wood foundations, On piles that support bridges or towers, and After foundation installation and curing. 

Benefits cost-effective, not very time-consuming, can be used on most concrete or wood foundations, and can reveal potential defects. 


  • ASTM D5882 is the standard test method for low strain impact integrity testing of deep foundations

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