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Plate Load Test

A plate load test is a field test that determines the bearing capacity and settlement of soil. It’s also known as a plate bearing test.
How it’s performed
- Dig a test pit
- Place a circular steel plate in the pit
- Apply an increasing load to the plate using a hydraulic jack
- Measure the settlement of the plate using dial gauges
When it’s used
- To design and assess working platforms
- To design and select shallow foundations
- To measure the settlement of pavement base, sub base, and sub grade materials
Why it’s useful
- It’s a quick and easy way to determine the bearing capacity of soil
- It’s useful for contractors and specifying authorities
- It provides valuable data to project managers and decision makers
Related equipment
- Hydraulic jack and pump
- Steel shims
- Reaction beam or reaction truss
- Dial gauge
- Pressure gauge
- Loading frame
- Steel rule or tape measure
- Tripod, plumb bob, spirit level
- Hammer
- Set of wrenches